Monday, February 21, 2011

Go Green! Green Bean Salad with Avocado Dressing

When we start to get towards the end of the Washington's Green Grocer box, I have to get creative with our dinner options. Last evening, we still had an entire bag of green beans, a head of red leaf lettuce, and one very ripe avocado. Ed wasn't very hungry (as usual- Colombians notoriously don't eat dinner) and thus a green bean salad was born. It's a very green recipe, greenish-colored lettuce, green beans, and green avocados, but it was very satisfying. Since there are only a few ingredients, it doesn't take very long to prepare. And if you date an American man that actually likes to eat dinner, I bet this would make a good  accompaniment to any main course.

1 bunch Red Leaf Lettuce
Fresh Green Beans
2-3 Roma Tomatoes, sliced
2 stalks of Green Onions, diced
1 tsp Garlic, diced
1 drizzle Olive Oil
Avocado, ripe
Fresh Cilantro, chopped
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
1/2 tsp Salt

Wash and snap green beans. Place green beans in a saute pan with olive oil, garlic, and green onions. Saute until tender. Wash and cut lettuce and place into a salad bowl. Let green beans cool slightly before tossing in with the lettuce. For the avocado dressing, use a ripe avocado. Peel and pit avocado and place into a bowl, smash it up using a fork and add the cilantro, lemon juice, and salt. Mix together. It should be slightly more liquid than guacamole. Add dressing to the top of the salad.

Ed's Verdict: Says it was fantastic and crunchy. One of the best green things he has ever eaten.

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