Tuesday, March 8, 2011

BBQ Rum Chicken Skewers with Warm Mango Medley and Sesame Rice


When my fabulously generous in-laws moved away last summer, they gave us their beautiful, well-stocked liquor cabinet. Not only is the piece of furniture a work of art, but it came fully loaded...and mostly with rum. "What am I going to do with all of this rum?" I bemused. Thoughts of Rum Spice Cake and Rum Ginger Cookies filled my mind. I ignored Ed's incessant response of the obvious, "Just drink it". I wanted to utilize the rum in a savory manner and perhaps in a recipe that would not leave me with a compunctious hangover the next morning. When I came across this recipe from Coastal Living for BBQ Rum Sauce, I knew I had the perfect recipe to make use of a little of Jamaica's finest.

To put on the side, we had a mango, yellow squash, and red pepper left over from our Washington Green Grocer box, so I decided to make a warm mango salad medley. To round out the meal, I also served some sesame white rice. 

BBQ Rum Chicken Skewers Ingredients
3-4 Chicken Thighs, chopped in to 1 inch chunks
1 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Ketchup
1/2 cup Dark Rum
2 tbsp Lime Juice
2 tbsp Teriyaki Sauce
1 tsp Ginger, crushed
2 cloves of Garlic,crushed
2 tsp dried Thyme
2 tsp All Spice
2 tsp Black Pepper
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Salt

BBQ Rum Chicken Skewers Directions
Mix all of the ingredients together in a large shallow bowl. After the ingredients have been thoroughly combined, reserve about 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of the sauce in a separate bowl to be used for a final topping. Place the chicken to marinade in the large bowl. Leave the chicken for 30 minutes to an hour or longer if you'd like.

Once the chicken has been marinaded, carefully place the chicken pieces on wooden skewers and grill for several minutes on each side until fully cooked. After the chicken is done, brush with reserved sauce.

Warm Mango Medley Ingredients
1 Mango, diced
1/2 Yellow Squash, diced
3 Green Onion Stalks, diced
1/2 Red Pepper, diced
1 bunch of cilantro, chopped
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Lime Juice

Warm Mango Medley Directions
First saute the green onions in a drizzle of oil olive, then add the yellow squash and red pepper. Wait to add the mango and cilantro at the very end only and  then saute everything for just a couple more minutes. Finally, add the lime juice.

Basmati Sesame Rice
Prepare rice as usual. When the rice is finished, drizzle a 1/2 tsp of sesame oil on top of the rice and add sesame seeds for cute effect. Serve alongside BBQ Rum Chicken Skewers and Warm Mango Medley. 

Ed's Verdict: Eating meat off of a stick is very caveman-esque thing to do. Therefore, Ed was right at home with the kabobs. He thought the BBQ Rum sauce was incredible and agrees we should cook more often with the bounty of rum we have. He agreed that the mango medley and sesame rice went well with the skewers. There were no leftovers!

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