Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spicy Stuffed Angry Birds

Like so many people with a touchscreen smart phone, Ed is recovering from an Angry Birds addiction. (Click here if you have been living under a rock and have no idea what I am talking about.) Since he uses his phone so often for work related purposes, I thought this whole time that he was just being a good employee diligently logging in extra hours. "What a hard worker he is!", I thought. However, I've just realized that instead of working, he was actually playing games on his phone, mainly Angry Birds. So, it got me thinking...

If the Angry Birds game was a recipe, what would it taste like?

I would imagine Angry Birds - the recipe- to be made with cornish game hens, not a large bird like a chicken or turkey. No, cornish hens seem more appropriate. And they would have to be spicy, really spicy. And pork would somehow have to be involved. After some more thinking, my Spicy Stuffed Angry Birds recipe was born. The Jalapeño sauce is adapted from a recipe out of a very old copy of Better Homes and Gardening. The stuffing is my standard- no recipe necessary- stuffing that I make for holidays. I love the way the jalapeño sauce tastes with the hens and the stuffing. If food could translate feelings, I would say these birds definitely taste quite miffed!

Spicy Stuffed Angry Birds Ingredients
2 Cornish Game Hens
pinch of Salt
Bunch of Baby Spinach

Hot Sausage Stuffing
1/2 lb Spicy Sausage
1 stalk of Celery, diced
1/4 cup Onion, diced
1/2 cup Water Chestnuts, chopped
1/2 cup of Mushrooms, diced
4 pieces of Toast, cut into small squares
1 tsp Dried Marjoram
salt and pepper

Spicy Jalapeño Sauce
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1 Tbsp Ground Mustard
1/2 cup Onion, chopped
2 Fresh Jalapeño Peppers, seeded and chopped
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
2 tsp Ginger, grated
1 tsp Dried Thyme
1/4 tsp Salt
2 Cloves of Garlic, minced

Spicy Stuffed Angry Birds Directions
Prep cornish hens by washing them and patting them dry. Sprinkle with salt and place them in a baking dish.  Stuff hens with cooked Hot Sausage Stuffing and cover birds with "Angry" Jalapeño Sauce. Place the hens in the oven at 425F for 40-50 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 165F. Let hens cool for 5-10 minutes before cutting. Serve on top of baby spinach.

Hot Sausage Stuffing
Brown the sausage in a skillet. Once it is brown, drain and set aside. Saute onions, celery, water chestnuts, and mushrooms in the same skillet. Add back the sausage. Continue sauteing for several minutes. Add the cut up pieces of toast. Then pour on enough broth to soak the entire mixture. Continue stirring and sauteing the stuffing until it is well mixed. Add marjoram, salt and pepper. Turn off the heat and let it cool for a few minutes while you prep the hens.

Spicy Jalapeño Sauce
Place all of the ingredients in a food processor and blend until mixture is smooth and thoroughly mixed. Cover hens with mixture.

Ed's Verdict: He LOVED this recipe. Although, he thought it could be even spicier. For him, they were more like mildly agitated birds. But this is coming from a guy that orders his Rogan Josh "Indian Hot". Perhaps next time I might use 1 jalapeño pepper and 1 habanero pepper to make the dish even more furious.


  1. Looks awesome. Another creative triumph! I love the theme. You rock for stuffing an Angry Bird with a Greedy Pig!

  2. If it is a dead animal, chances are it is going to taste awesome. But stuff it with another dead animal, and you've taken it to a whole new level.
